Performs Action During Familiar Routines (LR)
Performs Action During Familiar Routines (LR)

Performs Action During Familiar Routines (LR)

Below is a general skill sequence for teaching the first stages of imitation

Following high probability instructions during familiar routines is the next step in building essential skills for learners. Familiar routines are high probability task sequences that the child is likely to encounter on a daily basis, such as brushing their teeth or getting dressed. Building on the foundation established in the previous skill area through following instruction during with preferred actions during preferred activities, the child will have a relatively solid pairing with simple instructions and be better prepared to listener responding tasks (LR) during familiar routines. This skill is important because it lays the groundwork for the child to be able to respond to listener responding instructions with objects, and it sets them up for success in imitation on this front in general. Also, it is important to target actions that the child has shown a history of performing on their own without prompting.

Treatment Plan Goal Ideas

When developing a treatment plan for listener responding during familiar routines, it is important to carefully consider the number of routines the learner is already familiar with. This will help ensure that the treatment plan goals are realistic and achievable, and that the child is set up for success. It's important to remember that treatment plan goals are long-term objectives, typically reflected in the authorization, and consist of a series of short-term targets that build up towards the overall goal. By breaking down the goal into smaller, achievable steps, the child can focus on mastering each individual step and make steady progress towards the larger objective.

Treatment plan goal ideas for this particular skill area are as follows:

Learner will perform an action during a familiar routine when asked to do so by an adult.

Learner will perform three actions during three familiar routines when asked to do so by an adult.

Learner will perform five actions during five familiar routines when asked to do so by an adult.

Learner will perform ten actions during five familiar routine when asked to do so by an adult.

Component Skills

Your learner may need to be fluent in these component skills first before introducing this goal/skill area. Component skills for this skill sequence may include skill areas that are fundamental to other areas. Fluency in the skill areas listed below may increase the likelihood that your learner will succeed in this skill sequence and those afterward.

Imitates Actions During Familiar RoutinesImitates Actions During Familiar RoutinesPerforms Preferred Action with Preferred Item (LR)Performs Preferred Action with Preferred Item (LR)

Skill Possibilities

Below is a possible skill sequence for working on increasing your learner’s ability to perform an action during familiar routines. Note that every learner is different and that you likely will need to tweak and vary some programming to their needs. Click the triangle icon to view the full description for each skill in the sequence/area.

#1 Performs Action During Arrival Routine
#2 Performs Action During Toileting/Changing Routine
#3 Performs Action During Hand-washing Routine
#4 Performs Action During Leaving Routine
#5 Performs Action During Eating Routine
#6 Performs Action During Clean Up Routine
#7 Performs Action During Dressing Routine

Concurrent Skills

Working on these skills at the same time could help with goal mastery. Maybe your learner has mastered these skills already. Perhaps they are already listed as component skills above. That’s okay! Targeting other learning channels might help your learner.

Imitates Actions with Preferred ItemsImitates Actions with Preferred ItemsImitates Actions During Familiar RoutinesImitates Actions During Familiar Routines

Composite Skills

These are the possible next steps for learners who have mastered, or are mastering, the skills listed above. Note that new skill areas may require fluency in other component skills not listed above. Also, you can introduce composite skill sequences prematurely to keep your learner progressing, as generativity may occur earlier than expected.

Performs Actions with Uni-Functional Toys (LR)Performs Actions with Uni-Functional Toys (LR)Intro to Sitting Intro to Sitting Intro to DressingIntro to DressingApproaching Others When AskedApproaching Others When Asked

Follow the link below to better understand component-composite analysis.

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Ⓒ 2022-2025. Flatrock Advising, LLC.