Social Behavior & Social Play

Social Behavior & Social Play

Below you’ll find a list of skill areas in regard to the general category you’ve selected. More skill areas will continue to be added and curated for this category. However, it’s important to note that some general categories may have a limited number of skill areas listed as these topics may be fundamental to the development of further categories or skill areas. For example, scanning and reinforcer expansion is a fundamental building block to most other general categories (and skill areas). Each skill area that you select below consists of lists of target ideas. Additionally, each skill area suggests other skill areas to target first, at the same time, or to pursue afterward once the learner has demonstrated a general fluency in the current skill area.

Click on the toggle option (the little triangle) for ideas on what to program for next in the sequence (composite skill areas).

Intro to Reinforcer/Preference ExpansionIntro to Reinforcer/Preference ExpansionSingle Actions with Common ToysSingle Actions with Common ToysIntro to MandingIntro to MandingMands for EscapeMands for EscapeManding for AttentionManding for AttentionManding for LocationsManding for LocationsMands for Missing ItemsMands for Missing ItemsIntro to Scanning Intro to Scanning Following GesturesFollowing GesturesIntro to Matching (Visual Perception) Intro to Matching (Visual Perception) Performs Preferred Action with Preferred Item (LR)Performs Preferred Action with Preferred Item (LR)Performs Action During Familiar Routines (LR)Performs Action During Familiar Routines (LR)Performs Actions with Uni-Functional Toys (LR)Performs Actions with Uni-Functional Toys (LR)Intro to Ring StackersIntro to Ring Stackers

Intro to Shape Sorters (Coming Soon!)

Intro to Blocks (Coming Soon!)

Intro to Puzzles Intro to Puzzles Intro to Eye ContactIntro to Eye ContactApproaching Others When AskedApproaching Others When AskedGreetings (Non-Verbal) Greetings (Non-Verbal)

Greetings (Verbal)Greetings (Verbal)

Labels Own BehaviorLabels Own Behavior

Intro to PeersIntro to PeersIntro to Taking TurnsIntro to Taking Turns

Responding to “What” GreetingsResponding to “What” Greetings

Labels Personal Likes & DislikesLabels Personal Likes & Dislikes

Intro to Board Games Intro to Board Games

Labels Likes/Dislikes of OthersLabels Likes/Dislikes of Others